Testosterone info
This page features
a Q&A with GP Dr. Nate Reid about testosterone
links to health resources for taking testosterone
links to trans educational resources for health professionals
About the Testosterone Q&A Video Series
In November 2021, we were lucky enough to have Dr. Nate Reid, a GP who's also trans, come and answer Shed member's questions about testosterone. It was our meeting for the month, with participants able to watch live over zoom &/or submit questions to ask. We recorded it and edited it into topic videos to create this resource.
This project was inspired by seeing similar questions pop up in our facebook group about testosterone over the years. Many people are happy to share about what has worked for them, and some have also said it'd be good to have a resource to refer people to. Now we can do both.
Many thanks to Nate for donating his time & making this possible.

About Dr. Nate Reid (he/him)
Nate graduated from Monash University in 2011 and has been working as a GP since 2014. He values building working relationships with his patients to address all of their healthcare needs. He has particular interests in transgender health, mental health, sexual health and addiction medicine.
Nate is an accredited prescriber of HIV medications, opioid substitution therapy, and has been providing gender affirming access to hormone therapy under the informed consent model since 2017.

Mentioned in the videos above, plus a few more.

for taking testosterone
Australia (relevant to all states)
TransHub is NSW based but has some great resources about medical, social and legal affirmation in Australia,
and more.
TransHub: Masculinising Hormones
Auspath Providers List
A list of health providers who're Auspath members
(the Australian Professional Association for Transgender Health), for each AU state. The list isn't an endorsement by Auspath or The Shed,
but it can still be a useful resource.
Victoria Specific
Northside Clinic
An LGBTQA+ focused GP clinic in Fitzroy North, VIC. Sometimes they're not able to take on new patients, but they might be able to refer people on.
Equinox Gender Diverse Health Centre
A peer-lead trans, gender diverse & non-binary health service in Abbotsford, VIC. Similarly to Northside Clinic, they sometimes aren't able to take on new patients, but might have info about other services.
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
This organisation offers a wide range of health services to the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria, including GPs, dentistry and counselling. They're located in Preston, Fitzroy and Epping.
Peer Support
The Shed's Facebook Group (peer support only)
email us at
The Shed's secret facebook group is open to anyone who's transmasculine, including those who're non-binary, binary or questioning their gender. It's not for medical advice, but we help each other by sharing our experiences, like what worked & didn't work for each of us. Our focus is on Victoria & Australia, but we're open to members anywhere. Send us an email if that sounds good to you.
You can also email us if you're interested in
like the one in the videos above & more.
for medical practitioners
Australia (relevant to all states)
TransHub is NSW based but has some great resources about medical, social and legal affirmation in Australia,and more.
TransHub: Masculinising Hormones
Presentation about Transgender Health
by Dr. Nate Reid
Professional Resources
Put Together by Trans Health Research
Victoria Specific
TGDiCH Training Project
a A TGD-led, evidence-based, state-wide training project by and for health professionals.
Participation Opportunities
in Trans Health Research
Trans Health Research